• Back to School Wellness Resources

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    BC Children’s Hospital has prepared a great ‘wellness toolkit’ to help families navigate the often difficult back to school transition. If your family is feeling the back to school blues […]

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  • Unshackling Mom Guilt Workshop

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    Join us in-person at the McGill Library on Monday October 16th to discuss the often shared experience of mom guilt and ways we can be kind to ourselves throughout the […]

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  • Understanding Big Feelings

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    Join us in this two part-series as we explore how we can support our children through stress, worries, fears and tantrums. We will learn how to provide connection, support and help our children develop resilience in the face of challenges.

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  • Stress, Worry & Fear

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    How do we help our children feel safe, support their emotional
    well-being, and help them develop resilience in the face of
    challenges? Join us as we explore what stress can look like
    in young children, understand how we can help our children
    feel safe to feel their feelings, and try some practical strategies
    we can incorporate into our daily lives.

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