• Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers

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    With the burst of development in the early years,
    making sense of the flux of kids’ emotions and
    behaviours can be difficult for a grown up. Join
    us as we explore the ins and outs of parenting
    toddlers and preschoolers. This group will cover
    attachment and parenting styles, understanding
    and managing behaviours, supporting social skill
    development, and play.

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  • Tantrums & Meltdowns

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    Join us as we explore how to provide connection
    and support for our little ones through their big
    feelings, keep them safe and set limits without harsh
    words, and avoid power struggles that cause conflict.

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  • Discipline, Punishment, Rewards & Praise

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    Join us as we build understanding
    around children’s behaviours, and
    explore alternative strategies to
    consequences and rewards that
    focus on lasting change.

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  • Consent, Boundaries and Body Safety

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    In this foundational workshop, we will learn how to begin or continue practicing healthy boundaries, consent, and body safety. We will cover how adults can model safe relationships, pass along healthy body messages, and teach bodily autonomy. In this way, parents and guardians can create a home environment where there is an understanding of consent and a respect for the boundaries of self and others. 

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