• Navigating Bedtime in the Early Years

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    Navigating sleep in the first months after baby has arrived, and into the early years of
    childhood can be a challenge for caregivers. Join this online workshop to answer your
    questions surrounding what is “normal” sleep for kids, why your baby keeps waking up at
    night, and how to avoid the bedtime protests.

    Read on for more details…

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  • Sleep & Bedtimes

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    Navigating sleep and bedtimes in the early years of childhood can be challenging. Join us as we build an understanding around
    typical sleep patterns, challenges in infancy, bedtime struggles in early childhood, and strategies to encourage better sleep for little ones. For parents/caregivers with children 0-5 yrs old

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  • Indigenous Stories for Young Children

    By : Categories : Monthly Blog Comment: 0 Comment

    Reading together can be a great way to
    bond with our little one. Check out the
    following wonderful stories by
    Indigenous authors…

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  • Navigating Tricky Transitions

    By : Categories : Monthly Blog Comment: 0 Comment

    Times of change & transition can be challenging!
    We can use play, & connection to navigate these
    moments. Read on to find out how…

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  • Tuning into Temperament

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    Workshop: Tuning into Temperament: Monday May 30th @ 10am

    Every child has their own unique temperament. Learning how to tune into our child’s personality helps us to work with their specific traits and strengths, rather than in opposition to them. How do we support our “spirited and active” children with organizing their feelings? How do we create a sense of safety for our “cautious” little ones in new situations? Join us as we learn how our personality interplays with that of our child’s, and explore strategies in supporting their unique way of being.

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  • Sleep & Bedtimes Worskhop

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    Navigating sleep in the first months after baby has arrived, and into the early years of childhood can be a challenge for caregivers. Questions surrounding what is “normal” sleep for kids, why does my baby keep waking up at night, how do I avoid the bedtime protests, is enough to keep caregivers up at night.

    In this workshop geared towards caregivers of children 0-5 years of age, we will build understanding around typical sleep patterns, challenges in infancy, bedtime struggles in early childhood, and strategies to encourage better sleep for little ones.

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