Scheduling around a New Baby

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Are you expecting too much of yourself?

Have you ever kept track of the time you spend caring for your new baby or toddler?

Probably not because you are too busy!

Are you also starting to realize that things take generally longer than they did before the baby arrived?  Simple outing to the grocery store for a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread can take more than 1 hour.   Especially with a new baby, scheduling enough time for a feeding, a change and loading and unloading of the baby from the safety seat to the stroller can take time.

Caring for a new baby or young child can be incredibly time consuming. Many first time parents are completely unprepared for how much of their day will be spent feeding, bathing, changing diapers, holding and comforting their baby,  etc.  Don’t set yourself up for frustration by assuming that you should still be able to accomplish everything that you did before you had your baby.  Be realistic about how much you can do each day.  Expect interruptions and schedules that constantly have to be changed.


  • Be patient, especially with yourself.
  • It’s not a big deal if you don’t get everything on your list done
  • Be open to unexpected interruptions